20 Common Fat-Fighting Foods Most People Do Not Know About

Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️

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7. Grapefruit

grapefruitGrapefruit is widely known as a diet fruit. As matter of fact, there are diets that use this “super fruit” as the cornerstone of their program.

The grapefruit diet has outlasted many diets in the past. To this day, many dieters still believe that the particular enzymes in grapefruit can help fight fat. Incorporating grapefruit in our diet for ten to twelve days can help burn fat. (44)

Based on a study conducted by Scripps Clinic in San Diego, California, subjects who ate ½ a grapefruit and drank eight ounces of grapefruit juice 3x a day for twelve weeks, lost about four pounds. While the others lost about ten pounds since they didn’t really put any effort into dieting. The weight loss could be attributed to two things. First, grapefruit helps in the reduction of insulin levels. Second, grapefruit contains a chemical called naringin, which prevents the body from storing fat. (45)

6. Green Tea

green teaGreen tea is more than just a refreshing drink. Our whole body can benefit from drinking green tea.

Based on several studies, green tea is able to fight fat by stimulating the body to do so. Catechins, the phytochemical found in green tea, can boost the metabolism naturally. (46)

To experience the benefits of green tea, it’s recommended that we  drink it hot several times, every day. Taking green tea hot provides a soothing, relaxing, and mindful experience that’s beneficial for our overall being. (47)

Sipping green tea before an exercise routine can increase the chances of burning more fat during the workout. (48)

5. Tomato Juice

tomato juiceTomato juice is another cool beverage that can help us fight fat.

Whether we take it hot or cold, tomato juice can help us lose weight. Just as long as we know how to pick the right kind of tomato, we can attain our weight loss goals with this healthy beverage. (49)

The British Journal of Nutrition published a study that showed overweight women were able to lower systemic inflammation just by drinking tomato juice (11 oz) for twenty days.

By drinking tomato juice, a protein called adiponectin is increased. This particular protein helps body break down fat. (50)

Tomato juice contains an antioxidant called lycopene, which can reduce metabolic diseases. (51)

4. Dark Chocolate

dark chocolateWho says chocolate is bad for us? Take it dark and we will be able to fight fat easily.

According to a study, dark chocolate can help reduce stress that usually forces us to overeat. Eating dark chocolate (one and a half ounces) can reduce cortisol, the stress hormone that makes the metabolism sluggish. (52)

The researchers recognize caffeine and theobromine in dark chocolate could cause the effect on the stress hormone. Another interesting study featured on the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that folks who moderately ate chocolates on a regular basis were slimmer than those folks who avoided chocolates. (53)

There’s no need to take chocolates out of our diet, if we’re on a quest to fight fat. Eating dark chocolates moderately and regularly can help us lose weight.

3. Nuts

nutsNuts are healthy snack alternatives that we can enjoy and benefit from.

In 2015, the Journal of the American Heart Association published a study that showed the positive effects of snacking on nuts. According to the study, folks who usually munch on nuts may have less abdominal fat as compared to those folks who choose to munch on treats that are carb-based. The monounsaturated fats that are abundant in nuts are more satisfying. (54)

Cashews rank high among the fat fighting nuts. The reason is that they are packed with the healthy kind of fat called monounsaturated fat. In 2009, Diabetes Care published a study that sheds light on the importance of monounsaturated fat. It cites that a diet high in monounsaturated fat eases weight loss. (55)

A study found that eating almonds helped reduce both LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol. A more significant finding of the study is that aside from having a better lipid profile, belly fat was also reduced as a result of almond consumption. (56)

2. Eggs

eggsEnjoy eggs. They’re good for us and they can help us fight fat.

A high-protein breakfast that includes eggs has been found to help with weight loss. Adding eggs to our dishes or simply pairing them some whole-grain toast and veggies for breakfast can help reduce the belly fat. (57)

An egg contains seventy-eight calories. It’s a low-calorie “super food” that’s packed with protein to keep us feeling satisfied throughout the day. (58)

Egg whites have less calories. They have thirty calories, to be exact. Still, they’re packed with protein (3.5 grams) and have no fat content. If we really want to cut back, skip the yolk and stick to the egg whites instead. (59)

1. Fatty Fish

fatty fishFatty fish tops the list of “super foods” that fight fat. Including it in our diet can help us attain our weight loss goals.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fishes such as herring, salmon, mackerel, and sardines have all been known to help in the reduction of inflammation. The omega-3 fatty acids have also been known to decrease the risk of heart disease but most importantly, it may also help us melt body fat. (60)

A six-week study conducted in a controlled environment showed that forty-four adults on fish oil supplements lost an average 0.5 kilograms of fat. Interestingly, there was also a drop in their cortisol level. This is significant since cortisol has a huge impact on fat storage. Incorporating fatty fish into our diet can speed up the loss of fat. (61)

According to research, omega-3 fatty acids in fishes can help build more muscles. That means we can burn more calories. (62)

Key Take-Away: Fight fat by eating smart. The “super foods” listed above can help us lose weight and feel great at the same time. Just make sure not to binge on them. Always keep portion control in mind.

Nonetheless, enjoy them and let them unleash their fat-fighting potential to help lose weight and, most importantly, stay healthy. 🍏

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