20 Common Fat-Fighting Foods Most People Do Not Know About

Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️

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14. Sesame Seeds

sesame seedsSesame seeds bring a delicious dash of flavors to vegetables, meats, and soups. At the same time, they also fight fat.

Lignans are plant substances that are very beneficial to our health. They’re also known as phytonutrients and are rich sources of fiber. (23)

The lignans found in sesame seeds speed up the fat burning process by multiplying liver enzymes. The liver enzymes, in turn, break down fat. (24)

The lignans found in sesame seeds contain fiber that help the liver produce fat-fighting enzymes. This, in turn, speeds up our metabolism. At the same time, our body’s natural fat-fighting abilities are enhanced as well. (25)

13. Greek Yogurt

greek yogurtThe delicious taste of Greek Yogurt is just one of the many awesome reasons as to why we should be eating it. This particular “super food’ is very good for our health.

Greek Yogurt contains muscle-building protein. It also enhances a healthy secretion of a stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol plays a significant role in weight loss so long as there is a normal pattern of secretion. Thanks to the calcium and Vitamin D found in Greek Yogurt, cortisol secretion is regulated. (26)

A group of researchers from the University of Tennessee found that people lost more weight and belly fat if they ate Greek yogurt on a daily basis. (27)

12. Oats

oatsEating oats is the best way to start our day. They will keep us feeling full and energized for the whole day.

Since it takes more energy to digest whole grains, our body is able to burn more calories. (28)

Oats contain about five grams of fiber that can keep us full and satisfied. (29)

Oats are healthier breakfast alternatives but it’s crucial to choose the right kind of oats. There are packets of oats that contain a lot of calories. To keep our oats a low-calorie breakfast meal, cook it with plain water or skim milk. Instead of adding sugar, add some fruits like berries.

11. Avocados

avocadosIf we want to lose a couple of pounds or just want to stay healthy, we need to make avocados a part of our daily diet.

Avocados are loaded with fat-fighting components such as monounsaturated fats, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. Avocado is a high-fiber fruit that helps boost metabolism. (30)

Avocados contain 30% healthy monounsaturated fats that can help us stay on a healthy diet and at the same time, help us lose weight. (31)

A study conducted in 2013 showed that regular avocado-eaters had lower body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. The monounsaturated fats found in avocados keep the stomach full, which in turn, lessens the urge to give in to cravings. (32)

Avocados are great sources of healthy fats our body needs to lose weight safely.

10. Pepper

pepperAdd a little spice to our diet to fight fat. Whether it’s black or red, peppers can definitely help us fight fat.

Red peppers contain a substance called capsaicin. This is what makes pepper hot. The hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin it contains. That makes it possible to more fats and calories. (33)

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition cites that daily consumption of pepper speeds up fat loss by enhancing the body’s ability to burn more calories. (34)

The journal, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, cites a report that states capsaicin may increase fat oxidation and energy expenditure. (35)

Capsaicin can also help suppress appetite. A study conducted on adult men showed that they consumed fewer calories in their main meals when they spiced up their appetizers with hot sauce. (36, 37)

On the other hand, black peppers contain piperine which speeds up fat metabolism and help prevent fat cell differentiation. (38)

Pepper is a low-calorie seasoning that we can use regularly to fight fat.

9. Apples

applesThere is a good reason why apples can help keep the doctor away. The health benefits of apples are way too many to ignore.

Apples are packed with dietary fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and flavonoids. The journal, Food Chemistry, published a study in 2014 citing that apples could actually help fight obesity. (39)

Eating an apple a day can actually keep the pounds at bay. This is because they contain a high amount of soluble fiber called pectin. Pectin helps us feel full. It hastens weight loss by limiting the absorption of fat cells. Since it’s water soluble, it can help release the cells. (40)

The high dietary fiber content in apples can help us feel full and satisfied. A handful of studies have shown a significant cut in calories when an apple is consumed half hour to an hour before a meal time.  Furthermore, a recent research has cited that the antioxidants in apples help prevent the thickening of the waist area. (41)

8. Milk

milkMilk is good for us. It should be an integral part ofyour diet.

Milk can either help us lose or gain weight. It really depends on how we consume it. Choosing a low-calorie milk can help us a lot in weight loss since the protein and calcium in milk can help control our appetite. (42)

In 2010, researchers from the University of Alabama discovered that calcium-rich foods could really help reduce fat in women who were in their pre-menopausal stage. As a matter of fact, we can lose one inch of fat in the abdominal area if we consume about a hundred milligrams of calcium every day. (43)

The calcium we get from milk is vital to weight loss. We just need to make sure we are drinking a low-calorie milk and our daily calorie intake is well-monitored.

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